July, August, September 2024

Volume 15, Issue 3

News From Your President

Greetings Fellow Sewists,

It’s hard to believe that summer is almost over and we’re on our way to autumn with the colorful foliage that accompanies it.  The vibrant hues might inspire one to create a garment or quilt incorporating these colors. The Carolina Shop Hop has begun and will continue until the end of October. You may want to take to the road and enjoy nature’s colors as you go from shop to shop.

Regarding our guild, we are looking forward to the annual Sewcation on October 15, 16 and 17. Reservation forms, due back in a few days have been emailed to everyone. If you haven’t received yours please contact me immediately.

Our Annual Meeting will be held on November 9. Fiber artist, Johnnie McKenzie will be our guest speaker. This year the meeting will be catered by Two Chefs Eastside, in Greenville. Invitations will be sent out in the near future. As my next report will not be until January, I have to mention this year’s Holiday Party, which will be held again at Sweet Catherine’s in Fountain Inn on December 7. Notification will go out in advance.

Only with your support can we continue to function as an organization. To succeed, we all must contribute something to the guild’s agenda. We will be in need of new Board members in the coming years and I urge anyone to step up and volunteer their time as a Board member.

And speaking of our Board, I’d like our members to consider instituting the position of vice-president. Presently there is no such position, but such a position would serve as a training position and a spring board for future presidents.

I’m looking forward to seeing every one of you at out coming events.

welcome new members

Thank you for renewing your membership

A complete list of all current members can be found

on our Members page.


Sewcation - October 15-17

Annual Meeting - November 9

Christmas Luncheon - December 6

Times, locations and details to follow. 


October 15, 16, and 17, 2024

An Upstate SC Chapter ASG Event

Please join us for three days of sewing fun and comradery at our annual fall retreat.

As last year, this year’s retreat will be held at the club house of Riverwood Farm, a gated community off Dillard Road in Greer.  Although we will not be sleeping over, your machines will be secured overnight at the club house.

The retreat will run from October 15 to the 17th.  With coffee and lunch included, the price will be $85 for ASG members and $95 for non-members. Sorry, there will be no reduced rate for members who choose not to attend all three days.

Please note: Attendance is limited to 20 attendees on a first-response basis.  ASG members must register with full payment by Wednesday, September 18th.  After this date, non-members will have the opportunity to register, with their registrations closing on September 25th.

Make checks payable to UPSTATE SC CHAPTER ASG and mail to Phyllis Costa, 815 Shandwick Dr, Greer, SC 29650-5355. 

Please refer questions to Phyllis Costa, CostaPhyllis367@gmail.com, (H) 864-469-3503 or to Anne Copeland, hudvernon@yahoo.com, 407-963-5094.

Second Quarter Community Service Report

This quarter, I delivered 13 tote bags, 18 draw-string pillow cases, and 2 quilts to DSS for the foster children. 23 chemo caps were delivered to Bon Secours cancer center. 


I have 6 totes that will be delivered to Safe Harbor with those that come in during the 4th quarter.  I also have 7 Christmas stockings that will be delivered with all those that will come in during the 4th quarter.


There will be a cutting “party” on September 18 to cut totes and Christmas stockings for kits to go out to all members. Let’s make the 4th quarter a big one for community service projects!


Thanks again to those who have helped fill some of the needs of our community.


Help is needed: if one of you could volunteer to take over the Safe Harbor Bags, it would be greatly appreciated. Please contact me at: jeanvanvalin@gmail.com.  Thanks!!!

You can find patterns and guidelines for making charity projects by clicking here:

Community Service


Proxy Ballot for the Election of Officers
If you are unable to attend the Annual Meeting on November 9, please download, print and mail the pdf ballot to Louise Maes, 2 Walthall Ct., Simpsonville, SC 29680-6853
President: ❑ Phyllis Costa
Secretary: ❑ Sue Dolinar
Treasurer: ❑ Marcia Baker
Ballot (1).pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 129.7 KB

4-H FUN!

We had 6 girls and 5 ASG helpers.

Everyone finished their apron with a Christmas fabric pocket, and they also made some snowman ornaments with some hand sewing.

As usual we all had fun.



Laura at the Spartanburg Extension office has asked if we could have another sewing session on either November 16th or the 23rd.  She continues to ask if we would be interested in working with a small group of kids just once a month who want to advance their sewing skills. Please contact me if you can help. 



What's going on in the neighborhood?

Greenville Neighborhood Group Meeting

The Greenville ASG group recently discussed tips and tricks for attaching a quilt binding. We also had a fun time sharing gift ideas the members had made along with directions on how to make them. We really have some wonderfully creative members! Next month we will be reviewing sewing machine thread tension and trouble shooting tension problems. In November we will have a presentation on embroidery stabilizers and when/how to use them.   

Greer Sassy Sewers
Greer continues to meet the Faith United Methodist Church on the 2nd Wednesday of the month from 2 - 4. 
October - no meeting due to Sewcation
November - TBD
December -  Luncheon

Asheville Feisty Stitchers


Our June meeting topic will be sergers and July will be a discussion about tailoring tools and we'll be sewing kitty mats for the shelter.




Simpsonville Sew It Alls

Every year you see ugly Christmas sweaters parties. This year Edy and I are challenging members to create an ugly Christmas apron. Any type of apron is acceptable. Bring your finished apron to the December 12, 2024 meeting at Marietta's Quilt and Sew. The aprons will be modeled by the owners and a drawing will take place for a $25.00 gift certificate redeemable at Marietta's. Let's make this the ugliest apron fashion show ever! 
Merry Christmas

Linda & Edy

Bus Trip to Paducah Quilt Show & Missouri Star Quilt Company

It has been proposed that we consider a 7+ day bus trip with Christian Tours to Paducah, Kentucky for the Paducah Quilt Show, which falls just after Easter in April, 2025, and then on to the Missouri Star Quilt Company in Hamilton, Missouri. Additional attractions could include seeing Mark Twain's childhood home, visiting Amish country in Missouri, etc. 
A number of members who have traveled  with Charlotte-based Christian Tours in the past speak very highly of the arrangements and attention to detail they bring. They  would be willing to tailor a trip for us if we have enough interest, and are willing to pick up locally. 
Lodging can be on a 1, 2, 3 or 4 person per room basis, with the cost adjusted accordingly. Husbands are welcome. The fee includes transportation, lodging, and many, but not all, meals. The bus stops regularly for breaks, giving an opportunity to stretch our legs. 
Let me know if you think you may be interested. There is no commitment at this point, but we need to gauge the interest level before we decide whether to proceed further. Those who have visited these areas in the past offer enthusiastic reviews. 
Thank you, 
Carolyn Fields


The Dressmakers of Auschwitz:

Here is a very interesting video about The Dressmakers of Auschwitz: The Stories of Women Who Sewed to Survive. It is narrated by Lucy Adlington who is also the author of a book by the same name.

what else is on the website?

About Us: History of ASG Upstate

Blog: Latest Show and Shares. To see all the photos from a particular meeting, click on the photo or click on Read More. Also, if you can't make it to a meeting and have something to share, send a photo and description to bgcyclist@gmail.com.

Community Service: Download patterns and instructions for all our community service projects. 

And a whole lot more. Just go back to the top of the page and see the whole selections. For Members Only, you will need a password. If you are a member and don't have the password, please contact bgcyclist@gmail.com.