I took my first rope bowl class at Marietta’s. Could be addictive.
Kathy Grazio

Greer neighborhood group show & share
I've been experimenting with "over dying" and found it is a lot of fun. Over dying is dying preprinted or already colored fabric. I'm using tie dye and it is not permanent and should never be used in anything you plan to wash. But it's fun to see what happens, and I can use it in my fabric art. To make it permanent and not bleed would be a lot of work and messy. It is possible but for now I just want to experiment and have fun.
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Jean (Thursday, 17 August 2023 07:45)
great show and share
Karen Neal (Thursday, 17 August 2023 07:57)
Hate I missed it. I already had other plans. Great project !!