Jean's Vest (pattern from exisiting vest)

I made this fleece vest from a pattern I made by copying a purchased vest a few years ago.  I decided to use one of my funky zippers that have been in my stash for years.

Jean Van Valen

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Be sure to include the name of the pattern if you can in case someone else would like to make it. Sending a link to the pattern really helps me out. 

Comments are always welcome. See below.

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Comments: 3
  • #1

    Cindy (Sunday, 07 February 2021 09:51)

    Jean, I wear vests like this all the time and need to make one too but I've never tried to make a pattern from an article I already own. In theory, I know how this works, but in reality, it seems too overwhelming when I think about it.

  • #2

    Phyllis Costa (Sunday, 07 February 2021 11:03)

    I like the zipper. Good job.

  • #3

    Linda Sanita (Monday, 08 February 2021 11:38)

    Jean, I love this vest!!