l just moved into a new house and thought I'd give you a tour of my sewing/computer/knitting/weaving/craft room before I get it really messy. This is the first video I've made and the lighting is terrible but you got to start somewhere.
Cindy Moore
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Comments are always welcome. See below.
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Kathy Grazio (Thursday, 04 February 2021 17:16)
Cindy....what a great sewing/knitting/computer/craft room! Such organization! Great video and thank you for sharing.
Linda Sanita (Thursday, 04 February 2021 19:08)
Cindy, that was amazing!! You are a very organized lady with a great deal of hobbies, lol
Jean (Friday, 05 February 2021 06:51)
Wow, so neat and organized! You are inspiring me to reorganize my sewing room.
Anne copeland (Friday, 05 February 2021 08:06)
I agree with everything Linda Sanita said above.
Linda Patton (Friday, 05 February 2021 08:55)
Enjoyed your video. Some good ideas. Thanks for sharing.
Paris (Friday, 05 February 2021 09:41)
Oh my, what a great room.
Lois (Saturday, 06 February 2021 08:37)
You have a great room for all your hobbies. Thanks for sharing with us.
Rosemary Kask (Sunday, 07 February 2021 10:51)
I guess when you move in is the right time to organize, but what a lot of work. Did you do the same for the kitchen and other rooms? I really appreciate the tour because I am hopelessly challenged when it comes to organization and/or storage. Thank you for sharing.
Phyllis Costa (Monday, 08 February 2021 08:05)
Loved visiting your sewing room. The video was well done.
Thank you.
Karla (Monday, 08 February 2021 08:36)
Jean I love the vest and I he zipper used Cindy what a great organized room I won’t show you my closet
Marie (Tuesday, 09 February 2021)
Great job with the room and the video. I especially love the map behind the door for planning bike rides!