This is Peggy Sagers’ four way silk wrap made from silk chiffon. It’s one yard of fabric sewn, cut in half & sewn like an infinity scarf. No pattern. You can find the YouTube instructions Here.
Jean Van Valin

My friend Christie and I made some Toilet Paper Pumpkins. You can find the instructions at ItsAlwaysAutumn.
Linda Sanita

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Be sure to include the name of the pattern if you can in case someone else would like to make it. Sending a link to the pattern really helps me out.
Comments are always welcome. See below.
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Kathy Grazio (Sunday, 20 September 2020 20:02)
Jean, very pretty. I love it.
Linda, super cute pumpkins!
Linda Sanita (Monday, 21 September 2020 08:26)
Jean, I love that wrap!! Beautiful!
Jean (Monday, 21 September 2020 09:18)
Linda, the pumpkins are so fun.
Paris (Monday, 21 September 2020 14:35)
Love the wrap, Jean.
Linda, what a cute idea.
Phyllis Costa (Tuesday, 22 September 2020 09:27)
Jean the wrap is beautiful.