I finally finished a wall hanging started about 5 years ago with a collection of rows in a nautical theme. This was a “row by row” quilt that I split into 2 items — a lap quilt for my sister’s house in Maine and the smaller one now a wall hanging. I completed it in the quilt as you go method.
Jean Van Valin

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Kathy Grazio (Friday, 28 August 2020 06:19)
Great job, Jean! Pretty UFO to have finished.
Patti Turner (Friday, 28 August 2020 09:12)
Wow, it is very pretty. Love it.
Karen Neal (Friday, 28 August 2020 11:29)
That’s beautiful!
Linda Sanita (Friday, 28 August 2020 13:33)
Jean, that is really beautiful!! I love the colors and those points look right on! Good job!
Phyllis (Wednesday, 09 September 2020 12:50)
Great job. Good motivation to finish mine.